Hermana Cabral sent me an email last week telling me how to have JOY in the work. That's what I focused on this week-- finding joy in every phase of the Lord's work.
I was able to go to the temple this week. I love the temple. It is always so special seeing the people I love, and the members I have served. I was able to sit in the Celestial room for a nice long while. I read the words in Doctrine and Covenants 35:21
"For they will hear my voice, and shall see me, and shall not be asleep, and shall abide the day of my coming; for they shall be purified,even as I am pure."
It just gave me that extra push I need in my efforts of being converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
May you all find JOY in the small, hidden details. I promise you can. I love you all.