Happy Birthday to Sam Walton! Thanks for introducing me to the gospel, Sam. And happy birthday to Myles Hamm, too!
This week we spent some time with Sandra and her husband Felix. We were able to give them a Book of Mormon, and we hope that they will continue to read and pray like they have been doing.
I had interviews with Presidente Carmack this past week, and he said things that helped me know that he truly was called by God to be my mission president. He, just like the rest of us, is doing his best to follow the Holy Ghost and pray for help each step of the way. He is very humble and very caring. I'm in good hands!
I had divisions with a gringa named Hermana Squire on tuesday. We walked an eternity to teach a family. They were very special, and we had the privilege to invite them to be baptized. They are excited and actively preparing to receieve those blessings!
I drew a lot of strength from Nephi this week. I love 1 Nephi 17. verses 50-51 really stood out to me. "I know that if God commanded me to do all things, I could do them. And now, if the Lord has such great power, and has wrought so many miracles among the children of men, how is it that he cannot instruct me?" I have come to learn that if we are 1. worthy to have the Spirit, and 2. humble enough to listen when he speaks, we too may be instructed by God to do all that He asks of us.

I love you guys. Good luck starting school this week!