New companion, another Tica, Hermana Cambronero! She is incredible, and we have ended every day laughing our heads off. I feel like Heavenly Father has, once more, blessed me with an incredible companion that has her heart focused on the work! We, in the 5 days we've had together, have taught many lessons, invited many people to be baptized, and felt the Spirit in amazing ways. I feel that this change will be one of seeing the fruits of our labors.
We started the change off staying the night in the city. Why? Because one of the less-active families I taught in Arraijan accepted the goal we put on them back in October and were sealed as an eternal family Wednesday night in the temple. It was SUCH a beautiful experience to be there, with all of the members I love from Arraijan, seeing this couple make covenants and be sealed to their 3 year old daughter. Words will never describe the influence the Spirit has inside of the House of the Lord. On top all of that, I SAW RODRIGO! It was so fun passing time with him on the temple grounds and hearing about all of his new experiences in his conversion.
I am happy. I am tired. I am HAPPY!
I want to remind y'all of the importance of scripture study. I hope you take time away from the world to study and soak up TRUTH that the scriptures have to offer. Remember that the words of the modern day prophets are also considered scripture, and you can always find new things to learn on! I invite all of you to take time every day to enjoy and rejoice in the scriptures! They are God's truth!
I love you all.